Gain the Advantage! We know the golf course industry is becoming increasingly competitive. Golf courses and Superintendents need every advantage the can gain to ensure their property is successful.
The GMS Advantage program was created to help golf courses and Superintendents have a competitive advantage in today’s market. With our nationwide presence and relationships we have built over the years, GMS is able to provide industry-leading benefits to our members.
GMS Advantage membership includes:
Access to our national supplier purchasing discounts and programs.
We know there are other “national account” programs out there, but GMS Advantage is different. Other programs solicit suppliers and then start to build relationships with them for the members. GMS is the opposite. We have been building relationships with our suppliers and personally utilizing their products hands on for many years. As a result, we know we have the best suppliers in the industry and the best products and service available for all of our members!
Online purchasing of supplier specials.
Not only do our suppliers provide the best value and service to our members, but we also have integrated the ability for them to offer specials on our website for added purchasing value and easy transactions. A true purchasing advantage!
Job postings access.
Our experience throughout the country has enabled us to build a network of golf courses and contacts that need quality Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents and Interns. For years we have been helping courses search and find the best candidates for golf courses. GMS Advantage members are able to post unlimited free job postings. Cost to post for non-members is $40 per post.
Career development network.
Each GMS Advantage member will have access to fill out a personal resume online. We utilize these bios when visiting courses that may be looking for new hires. These bios also help our members avoid applying for jobs that may not be the right fit for them. We have seen many Superintendents and Assistants apply for and take jobs that were not the right fit. GMS is committed to helping as a “matchmaker” in your career development to ensure your success and job satisfaction.
Used equipment and supplies access.
The GMS team is in the field. We see courses with equipment and supplies that are no longer utilized. Through our on-site course visits, we know there are great opportunities to pass on value to other properties. Through our used equipment and supplies listings, we help our members with supplemental revenue streams and the opportunity to purchase quality used items. Used equipment and supply posts are free for GMS Advantage members. Cost to post for non-members is $50 per post.